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Part I: Building information 

General Building Information

 Project team



The Gira Center for Communication and Informational Technology at Frostburg State University is an educational building located in the middle of campus. Accommodating the departments of computer science and information technologies, graphic design, mathematics, mass communication and communication studies, the high-tech building opens the door for better collaboration and learning for students. Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners, a firm based in Baltimore, MD, was able to lead the design of the three-story LEED Gold certified building.


Located in the middle of a traditional and modern architecture campus, the 127,000 sf building is designed to fit well with the existing buildings. Facades of brick and precast concrete are used to achieve this goal.  The green outdoor areas are used wisely to increase spaces for views and outdoor activities to help students be more productive. Inside the building, there are  broadcast studios, video production and video editing classrooms, graphic design studios, a 24-hour computer laboratories and a cylindrical planetarium used as a learning center. To increase collaboration between the different departments, study lounges and break-out rooms are spread among the building.

Major national model codes:

1. IBC (2009 Edition) as incorporated and amended by the Maryland Building Performance Standards COMAR

2. State Fire Prevention Code (COMAR 29.06.01)

3. NFPA 1 Fire Code (2009 Edition) as amended by COMAR

4. National Electrical Code (2008 Edition)

5. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (2009 Edition) as amended by COMAR 6.

International Mechanical Code (2009 Edition)



still researching

Building Enclosure:

The GCITC building achieved LEED NC v2.2 Gold certification by having an enclosure that is friendly to environment. The exterior walls of the building are consist of brick veneer and cast-stone band that divide each level of the building along with brick belt and solider courses. In addition, every elevation of the building consist of windows and curtain walls  which provides daylight to the interior  spaces and might reduce the thermal comfort for the occupants. However, the types of widows that are used are acoustical anti-reflective glazing (STC 50) that provide a conducive environment for students.

SBS Modified roofing system with tapered insulation and protection board is used. Also, a green roof is applied to part of the roof that is accessible to students and faculty. To prevent falling accidents, a fall protection system is used in the green roof area

Sustainability Features:

The  GCITC building achieved LEED NC v2.2 Gold certification as a result of the sharing vision between the owner and the design teams form all different disciplines. Some of the ways that led to achieve such a certification is through using efficient HVAC, lighting and building envelope systems.  The building envelop consists of a green roof, 0.28 SHGC glazing and R-14 wall assemblies. Also, reduced low flow plumbing fixtures are used to significantly decrease the amount of water used in the building. 











































Part II: Systems 


In order to provide conditioned spaces, the GCCIT building efficiently utilizes two 230-ton
rooftop air cooled chillers, a 12,000 MBH dual fuel boiler plant and chilled beams. Moreover, a
hydronic radiant heating and cooling lobby floor ,total energy recovery ventilation, demand
controlled ventilation, displacement ventilation in the planetarium, a data center with underfloor
air distribution, and an evacuated tube solar domestic hot water system are used. During winter
and snow occasions, a hydronic snow-melting system is utilized.

Variable speed rooftop screw air cooled chillers use waterside economizer and provide 42 ᵒ F chilled water. Chilled beams are provided with 57 ᵒF chilled water to minimize condensation.  

HVAC units and equipment are mostly placed on the roof area and mechanical rooms in first and third floors. There are three roof top units (RTUs) that serve the vast majority of the building. Other parts are being served by air handling units and variable refrigerant flow units. Most systems are connected to VAV boxes to deliver air with the proper temperatures to each zone. One of the roof top units (RTU-OA1) is connected to active chilled beams that serve most of the offices, classrooms and labs. Moreover, it is the only system that uses enthalpy heat recovery

There are 18 different systems there serve the building for cooling and heating. The following table shows the different systems.


The GCCIT is served with 6 transformers range from  9 to 112 1/2 KVA. The primary transformers convert load from 480 V- 3 phase to 120/208 V- 3 phase with variety of feeder size. An outdoor voltage switch is located in the first level with capacity of 12.4 KV. Also, a 200 KW/250 KVA 3-phase, diesel generator is located in the first level. Grounding system is connected to vast majority of electrical system to provide safety to building occupants.  The main switchboard  provides  277/480 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire and ground with a main bus of 3000 Amps. The overall connected load and demand load for the main switchboard are 2177.76 and 1771.51 kVA respectively.  All raise wires are #10 thin cooper.

The lighting system used in the building is efficient with number of different lighting fixtures. The most common types of fixtures used are LED and T5. For classrooms, offices and labs, T5 is used. Also, TRT type is used for some conference rooms and corridors. The lighting system used in the multimedia learning center consists of LED, T5, PL-T compact fluorescent. 


The foundation system consist of concrete drilled piles supporting spread footing and slab-on-grade. Masonry foundation walls resists lateral earth pressure at the first floor below grade. The primary gravity system consists of steel framing with composite steel deck. The typical topping of the deck is 4" to provide 2 hours fire rating. However, some parts of the building have topping up top 8". The sizes of the girder ranges from W14X30 to W24X62. In general, the structural system of the building is simple and it is typical for building with the same conditions as the GCCIT. 

Construction Management 

GCCIT building was built in the span of two years. Construction started form 2012 to 2014. The occupancy began in the Fall of 2104. The method of the project was design-bid-build.As the delivery of the project was a big concern for the owner, the contractor was able to deliver the project on time by following a tight schedule and and time table. The overall cost of the project was 45 Million Dollar. 

1.10.2017- Approved/ Updated Proposal
1.05.207 - Proposal
11.15.2016 - Tech Report 3
10.30.2016 - Abstract posted on CPEP
10.30.2016 - Abstract submitted on display board
10.27.2016 - Tech Report 2
10.23.2016 - Abstract Color and Content - Electronic Draft
10.19.2016 - Building Statistics Part 2 - Posted on CPEP
10.03.2016- Building Statistics Part 1 - Posted on CPEP
09.26.2016 - Tech Report 1
9.20.2016 - Resume Posted (Web Resume is Optional)
9.20.2016 - Bio Sketch Peer Review & Corrections
9.16.2016 - Bio Sketch Posted
9.12.2016 - CPEP Website - Full Menu Functional
9.13.2016 - Career Fair Hosting/ Event Assistanct Sign Up Complete
 9.07.2016- Building Statistics Part 1 - Electronic Draft
9.06.2016 - CPEP Home Page Draft
8.31.2016 - Mailed AE Dept. Thank You Letters to primary contacts 
8.29.2016 - Attended CPEP Seminar
8.26.2016 - Sent Personal Note or Thank You
8.26.2016 - Turned in Project Initiation Checklist Part 2
8.26.2016 - Turned in Project Initiation Checklist Part 1
8.09.2016 - Confirmed and/or Corrected Master List Information
6.20.2016 - Obtained Project Documentation (drawing, specs, etc.)
6.20.2016 - Owner Permission Received


04.21.2017 Final CPEP REview 


AE Computer Labs


T: 857-250-9941

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Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Hesham Gadah. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

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